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Eager reader of history, mystery, classics, biographies, steampunk, lit fic, science, scifi, and etc. My reviews are mostly positive--I rarely finish or write about books I don't enjoy. My TBR is too high for that.

Between Two Worlds: My Life and Captivity in Iran

Between Two Worlds: My Life and Captivity in Iran - Roxana Saberi After six years of living in Iran, the country of her father, while doing interviews and research for a book she planned to write Roxana Saberi was roused from sleep and hauled out of her apartment for hours and then days of unrelenting hostile questioning in January 2009. Charged with espionage, she spent more than 100 days in the notorious Evin prison, sometimes in solitary confinement and never with more than a blanket on the floor for a bed. Her interrogators pressured her to make false conf...moreAfter six years of living in Iran, the country of her father, while doing interviews and research for a book she planned to write Roxana Saberi was roused from sleep and hauled out of her apartment for hours and then days of unrelenting hostile questioning in January 2009. Charged with espionage, she spent more than 100 days in the notorious Evin prison, sometimes in solitary confinement and never with more than a blanket on the floor for a bed. Her interrogators pressured her to make false confessions, threatening her by saying she would never be freed and could be executed if she didn't "cooperate". After a while she decided to try going along with them, but the more she lied in an effort to placate them enough to secure her release the more they demanded. Roxana was deeply ashamed of the lies and worried about damage they might cause but in the most affecting part of the book she is able to regain feeling of control and self-respect after being inspired by the example of fellow prisoners--women who were locked up for their religious or political beliefs--to change her strategy and tell only the truth even in the most threatening circumstances. A hard to put down story