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Eager reader of history, mystery, classics, biographies, steampunk, lit fic, science, scifi, and etc. My reviews are mostly positive--I rarely finish or write about books I don't enjoy. My TBR is too high for that.

Books that were popular in 1960 when Mockingbird was released

To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee Hawaii - James A. Michener The Leopard - Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa The Chapman Report - Irving Wallace The Affair - C.P. Snow The Lovely Ambition, a Novel - Mary Ellen Chase Set This House on Fire - William Styron Advise and Consent - Allen Drury The Agony and the Ecstasy - Irving Stone Ship of Fools - Katherine Anne Porter

According to the New York Times, To Kill a Mockingbird was on its best seller list for 98 weeks, but weirdly never made it to number one. Here's the list for the week it debuted--I've heard of several of these books but the only other one I've read is Hawaii:



NYT article link

Source: http://jaylia3.booklikes.com/post/1203293/books-that-were-popular-in-1960-when-mockingbird-was-released